In this interview, Vida Duti explains how Triple-S Ghana works at all levels in order to move from piloting in the three districts, to scaling-up.
Triple-S Ghana has put in several mechanisms to make the leap towards scale work:
- Meetings with the national level advisory committee: Triple-S gives feedback on its experiences in the districts during the bi-annual meeting with the advisory committee established by national level government. The committee is made up of all the key sector stakeholders who could play a major role in making the move towards scale possible.
- Participation in the national level learning alliance platform: this platform brings together sector practitioners for learning and sharing. Triple-S Ghana uses the platform to actively share lessons learned in the pilot districts.
- District level learning alliance platforms: in the three regions where Triple-S is active, the district level learning alliance platforms are being used to upscale experiences at the regional level.
- Working through existing projects: rather than starting new projects, Triple-S Ghana tries to work throughout existing projects, the World Bank Sustainable Rural Water and Sanitation project, implemented by CWSA is one of them. In this project FLOW was used as a tool for functionality mapping and is being considered for national level use.
- Representation in the Sector Working Group for Water and Sanitation: this group brings together representatives of all donors and NGOs. Triple-S uses this platform to actively share developments and encourages these partners to take them further.
- Operational documents: CWSA is revising its operational documents on the basis of successful pilots in the districts. These documents guide the sector and will help ensure that good ideas get upscaled.
Vida warns that change doesn’t happen overnight. People need to be convinced, and it simply takes time to change policies and modify systems. Provisions need to be made to support development partners and to support governments to be able to make adjustments to how planning and budgeting is being done, and to make a case to their financiers on adapting their policies.
Filed under: Africa, Ghana, Learning, Scaling up Tagged: FLOW, Ghana, learning, learning alliances, scaling up